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#1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author



April 1, 2009


Lone Star Sisters, Book No. 0.5

Only a suffragette teacher can tame the wildest man in Titanville.

Who can tame the wildest man in Titanville?

Zeke Titan has a reputation for breaking hearts, but the townspeople of Titanville can't deny all the good he's done for them. So they turn the other cheek as he seduces one schoolteacher after another. Until Alethea Harbaugh comes to town.

The new teacher brings with her a passion for women's rights that invigorates the ladies of Titanville, and instills fear in the men. Zeke is intent on seducing her, if only to send her running, ruined, from the town so that things can return to normal. But Zeke just might have met his match…in more ways than one!

Wild Hearts Under Her Skin Lip Service Straight from the Hip Hot on Her Heels

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